Biofuel - Advantages and disadvantages

Biofuel - Advantages and disadvantages

  • Posted on: 04/12/2018
  • By: Author

Biofuels are a test field for scientists dealing with alternative energy sources, particularly renewable. They are made from plant products such as corn and sugar beet - so they can be described as a renewable energy source - and the most common is bioethanol (or ethanol) and biodiesel. Then blended with petrol biofuel can be used as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines.


This biofuel is accompanied by advantages and disadvantages as well as any other fuel. With a careful approach to the issue, taking into account the positive and the negative, will lead us to safe conclusions.


Let us begin with the advantages. The use of alternative energy by reducing the dependence on fossil fuels will have a positive effect on the environment.

The lower cost is also recorded in the positives' side. Moreover , the large variety of plant products from which biofuels can be exported and the ease of their cultivation make them clearly more attractive than extracting the limited resources of oil.As far as using biofuel is concerned, their use prolongs the life of the catalytic converters and their lubricating properties benefit the moving parts of the engine.

On the other hand, we have to see the practical numbers from the biofuel usage all these years in countries that have invested on this technology.

An in-depth 2005 study indicates that plant production requires from 28% to 118% more energy than the energy needed to produce biofuel. This raises questions against anti-pollution and energy benefits of biofuel. There is also an impact on soil from monoculture on large areas.

Also , it has been reported that biofuel damages the rubber tubing on our vehicles. With first use, all the residuals from the engine are gathered in the gasoline filter and as a result they block that filter and eventually it needs to be changed. In addition, the density of biofuels is different to gasoline and there may be a need to change the fuel injectors (this applies mainly to engines using low-fueled fuels or exclusively biofuels).Technological development and new scientific discoveries will improve or even eliminate many of these negative effects, and it remains to be seen if the future is ultimately ... in popcorn!

As we see all these changes are here and with the right electronic supplies we can see what happens to our engine and how we have to adjust it for the best result.

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